Tuesday, February 1, 2011

One month!

I did it! I did it! I did it!

One whole month with out facebook! Can you believe it?! I over came the odds, and i established life without it! I actually find myself enjoying school(every class except math!) Amie berryhill, I don't know if you recall, but I used to tell you how much i HATED history! This year I have started to like it! I now understand and recall what we do in class! :)

Okay so I was thinking about it, and I don't know now of course but in eleven months (January 1, 2012) I might decide to sign back over..
but then again followers that's a year away, who knows how ill feel!


  1. Congratulations! You should reward yourself with something. I'm not sure what. Maybe a cupcake?

  2. Dear Cara,
    I am extremely proud of you and encouraged by your continued perseverance regarding your FB sobriety and your newfound love of history and so many good things. Also, your blog is just very wonderful and is full of all the wonderful things that I love about you--namely, your funness, your honesty, and your boldness.
    That being said, I pray that you will find the strength to kick Snooki to the curb and read the Bible with us. We are not even halfway through Exodus! You can totally catch up! And reading the Bible with you would make my heart sing. You are awesome and I love you very much.

  3. I miss you, Cara B.

    A whole stinking lot.

    Let's please get coffee soon. I shall text you.

    : )
