Saturday, January 29, 2011


It is exactly two days till my ONE MONTH SOBRIETY! (any ideas on what i should do?!)

Well I did go to face book, because i wanted to see if it is really gone. I put my INFORMATION in and BAMMMM...I no longer exist. Right after that, it hit me. I don't belong to the COOLEST thing in TEENS minds right now...Am I no longer considered POPULAR?! (those who hate me, would only hope!)

Nahh, I'm the coolest kid on this block! NOTHING could change that! I rarely think about it actually! I don't even care when people bring it up, sometimes I just pretend to know exactly what they are talking about!

The bible thing= FAIL!!!! I am so sorry to the women I told I would do this(eleventh grade is a lot more work then i had imagined!) BUT i do try and read it when i have free time. (unfortunately as a human i hate to admit this but : I PUT THE SNOOKI BOOK BEFORE THE BIBLE. i really needed to get that off my chest! (so so sorry God, but i honestly think me and him have come to an agreement!) :)

The reason my post have become so FEW, well i honestly didn't have anything interesting on my mind, until tonight! I figured why post something boring if I know one day I'll have better stories!

Love you all!


1 comment:

  1. Oh, I have so much to say! (you probably knew I would.). First, I am so glad that you are you and you know that you're the coolest even without fb, cause you are! You are so strong, and I'm so proud of you succeeding at this! Now, I completely understand about putting other stuff, especially books, in front of the bible. But just because you've done this in the past doesn't mean you have to continue to do it. Each day is a new day and you can either jump in with us or read whatever strikes your fancy. Love you.
