Thursday, June 2, 2011

Back on my blogging kick!

I believe I am back to wanting to blog everyday( maybe because it is summer and I have a lot on my mind) yesterday I informed you that in a year ill go back to the fb! I don't want to say tht it is for sure but it is a possibility . I compare it to AA a lot, and if they went back it would be relapsing ... But is it truly that?

I told my wonderful friend that I will go at it differently . But can I do that? What will stop me from being on it for hours everyday. I know by making it back, I am testing myself. But arent you being tested everyday. This could be my test to being a good person. It has everything on record, could I not change it from the way it is to the way I think it should be.

If Facebook wasn't such a big part of teen society, then I could 100% live with out it. But it is how we communicate . I have manage to stay just as popular as I was before. I don't get to catch up with people who have moved away or have busy lives, and that is a part I miss. Plus my friends would right the Funny but weirdest comments on my wall.. It made my day go from drab to fab!! I miss that the most! :)
It is honestly confusing. Smh!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Six months

If I were in AA then I would be getting a pretty big token! I mean six months is defiantly a big accomplishment of this goal. I secretly never thought I could make it two weeks yet alone 24 weeks!

I can't say that I've gone six months without thinking about it. I don't always think about it but it sure does get brought up a lot in my life... I'm not constantly worried about the new gossip which is another good reason not to have it.

Now I know that I won't go without facebook for the rest of my life. I said a year and that is what I am going to try to make.

Summer is here! These 3 months are going to be the hardest. This is where the testing begins. Can I seriously make it through a WHOLE summer without it. Will I be able to? How will I feel after i have passed the months! This is when I start to tell myself to make it back ! I looked at the calendar today and figured out it's my six month mark !! I know I can do it! I dont want to let myself down! I want to prove them wrong!! :)