Thursday, June 2, 2011

Back on my blogging kick!

I believe I am back to wanting to blog everyday( maybe because it is summer and I have a lot on my mind) yesterday I informed you that in a year ill go back to the fb! I don't want to say tht it is for sure but it is a possibility . I compare it to AA a lot, and if they went back it would be relapsing ... But is it truly that?

I told my wonderful friend that I will go at it differently . But can I do that? What will stop me from being on it for hours everyday. I know by making it back, I am testing myself. But arent you being tested everyday. This could be my test to being a good person. It has everything on record, could I not change it from the way it is to the way I think it should be.

If Facebook wasn't such a big part of teen society, then I could 100% live with out it. But it is how we communicate . I have manage to stay just as popular as I was before. I don't get to catch up with people who have moved away or have busy lives, and that is a part I miss. Plus my friends would right the Funny but weirdest comments on my wall.. It made my day go from drab to fab!! I miss that the most! :)
It is honestly confusing. Smh!


  1. Well, I'm just proud of you for doing it this long. I definitely think these five months have proved that you can live without it, but if you can fb responsibly, you shouldn't have to live without it.

  2. If you keep on blogging, we'll leave you funny and weird comments on your posts.

    Like this one...

    Why did the banana cross the road?
    Because he had to split. :)

  3. Hahahah! Thank you April! I have 6 more months to make my final decision! So my mind may change!
