Thursday, June 2, 2011

Back on my blogging kick!

I believe I am back to wanting to blog everyday( maybe because it is summer and I have a lot on my mind) yesterday I informed you that in a year ill go back to the fb! I don't want to say tht it is for sure but it is a possibility . I compare it to AA a lot, and if they went back it would be relapsing ... But is it truly that?

I told my wonderful friend that I will go at it differently . But can I do that? What will stop me from being on it for hours everyday. I know by making it back, I am testing myself. But arent you being tested everyday. This could be my test to being a good person. It has everything on record, could I not change it from the way it is to the way I think it should be.

If Facebook wasn't such a big part of teen society, then I could 100% live with out it. But it is how we communicate . I have manage to stay just as popular as I was before. I don't get to catch up with people who have moved away or have busy lives, and that is a part I miss. Plus my friends would right the Funny but weirdest comments on my wall.. It made my day go from drab to fab!! I miss that the most! :)
It is honestly confusing. Smh!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Six months

If I were in AA then I would be getting a pretty big token! I mean six months is defiantly a big accomplishment of this goal. I secretly never thought I could make it two weeks yet alone 24 weeks!

I can't say that I've gone six months without thinking about it. I don't always think about it but it sure does get brought up a lot in my life... I'm not constantly worried about the new gossip which is another good reason not to have it.

Now I know that I won't go without facebook for the rest of my life. I said a year and that is what I am going to try to make.

Summer is here! These 3 months are going to be the hardest. This is where the testing begins. Can I seriously make it through a WHOLE summer without it. Will I be able to? How will I feel after i have passed the months! This is when I start to tell myself to make it back ! I looked at the calendar today and figured out it's my six month mark !! I know I can do it! I dont want to let myself down! I want to prove them wrong!! :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April! 4 months of sobriety

Forgive me! It's been a long time but just an update I still going strong on the no Facebook thing! Wanted you all to know that I am so thankful for your prayers about my dad...(if you didn't know hr suffered massive heart attack last Monday) we are all doing okay and he is home...I wish I had something funny to say but not today!!! Four months and counting:)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

One month!

I did it! I did it! I did it!

One whole month with out facebook! Can you believe it?! I over came the odds, and i established life without it! I actually find myself enjoying school(every class except math!) Amie berryhill, I don't know if you recall, but I used to tell you how much i HATED history! This year I have started to like it! I now understand and recall what we do in class! :)

Okay so I was thinking about it, and I don't know now of course but in eleven months (January 1, 2012) I might decide to sign back over..
but then again followers that's a year away, who knows how ill feel!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


It is exactly two days till my ONE MONTH SOBRIETY! (any ideas on what i should do?!)

Well I did go to face book, because i wanted to see if it is really gone. I put my INFORMATION in and BAMMMM...I no longer exist. Right after that, it hit me. I don't belong to the COOLEST thing in TEENS minds right now...Am I no longer considered POPULAR?! (those who hate me, would only hope!)

Nahh, I'm the coolest kid on this block! NOTHING could change that! I rarely think about it actually! I don't even care when people bring it up, sometimes I just pretend to know exactly what they are talking about!

The bible thing= FAIL!!!! I am so sorry to the women I told I would do this(eleventh grade is a lot more work then i had imagined!) BUT i do try and read it when i have free time. (unfortunately as a human i hate to admit this but : I PUT THE SNOOKI BOOK BEFORE THE BIBLE. i really needed to get that off my chest! (so so sorry God, but i honestly think me and him have come to an agreement!) :)

The reason my post have become so FEW, well i honestly didn't have anything interesting on my mind, until tonight! I figured why post something boring if I know one day I'll have better stories!

Love you all!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Three more test

AWH! 11th grade is almost halfway over with, and I'm extremely excited. :) I have three more final exams, two of the ill knock down in no time...Chemistry...i hate you! It is the only test i worry about no it is not a EOC but it is a test that i need to do well on so i can pass with a good grade.

Peter G, i can tell you how to save money..make ever day a 9:15 to 2:15 kinda day! I believe parents would start to like your choices! Just saying!

Well I have some pretty exciting news....Today is January 14...When i hit the delete button for my facebook, it said if you log on with in the next 14 days, your request will be denied and you will still have the joy of facebook. Well Mr. Facebookman, its been 14 days..and those days have been filled with JOY! soooo TAKE THAT! :)

17 days till im one month sober! :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow, we have a love hate relationship!

I always wondered why don't teenagers ever go in the snow?! I use to get so upset with my sister, when she wouldnt come outside and play with me...Well being 17 i woke up the other day, looked out my window saw it covered in snow, and i turned around and went right back to sleep!
I WAS TICKED THAT IT SNOWED. I had stayed up the night before studying my poem, for spainsh...I really just wanted to get it over with...well thanks to the snow ill be rehearsing it tomorrow..It took me forever to learn how to pernounce my i have to cram again to remember it without looking!

But then again, i really liked not going to school, so then i thought maybe i shall thank the snow, and play in it! Well it was icy, so i decided to go skating! Fell three times, and said BUMP THIS.....and played just dance two on the wii!

Guess this is the life of a teenager! :)