Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow, we have a love hate relationship!

I always wondered why don't teenagers ever go in the snow?! I use to get so upset with my sister, when she wouldnt come outside and play with me...Well being 17 i woke up the other day, looked out my window saw it covered in snow, and i turned around and went right back to sleep!
I WAS TICKED THAT IT SNOWED. I had stayed up the night before studying my poem, for spainsh...I really just wanted to get it over with...well thanks to the snow ill be rehearsing it tomorrow..It took me forever to learn how to pernounce my i have to cram again to remember it without looking!

But then again, i really liked not going to school, so then i thought maybe i shall thank the snow, and play in it! Well it was icy, so i decided to go skating! Fell three times, and said BUMP THIS.....and played just dance two on the wii!

Guess this is the life of a teenager! :)

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