Thursday, December 30, 2010

This is to you David Norman

I was riding home from work today, I hit McKee road and I said to myself wow I'm doing pretty good ha vent checked facebook all day...Pull into my drive way, and my eyes spot TRASH ALL OVER my yard. I was really ticked when I realized my parents wouldn't be home for two more hours..That meant I have to clean this all up. So I walk toward the porch where I see this trash, and I discover the trash can is still laying on the ground...I ran inside and called the NORMANS, Cheryl answered, I said, "Cheryl I'm to afraid to flip my trash back over...what if their is a raccoon inside, i couldn't take on a raccoon!" Lucky enough for me she sent DAVID to the rescue! He walked on over with his golf club( which may i add, those baby's are his life!) He then flipped my trashcan back and of course their was no animal!

He then asked me, "Cara do you have gloves?" I was like, "no ill just clean it up with my hands" Well if you have gloves ill help! ...Then I just went inside to find some gloves, I came back out and he was ahead of me, already cleaning! He looked at me and said, remember this: I wouldn't do this for anyone!  Of course I helped him!

David, thank you, if it wasn't for you I could have been eaten by a raccoon! :) Your my hero!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Crazy day!

Well i worked from 8 to 4, so that kept me away from facebook! As soon as i got off i went home changed and hung out with my oh so best friend Lindsey Boozer! Then we went to a surprise dinner, i really wish i could say i didn't check FB...But i turned on my computer exactly at 9:52pm, and went directly to FB, only due to habit. But i figured while i was their i would see what was going on....I'm not horrible, Just Human!

Anyway i entertained myself by destroying my dear friend Moriah's room for her b-day! highlight of my night was my ride home with K8E and L-swag, making Luis go 10 in a 45:)

Alright four more final days. Ill be pressing the delete button on January 1st at 11pm....Just so i can read my HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! selfish i know, but a girl just can't help it:)

Monday, December 27, 2010

God Decorated My Tree!

Well i can honestly say i logged on to facebook twice today! My evening was spent with the sister, my brother, his lovely new girl friend(hope he didnt scare you to much tonight) and his roommate!

I didnt need to stalk my facebook friends, to humor me tonight! My brother can say the funniest things. We were on our way home from Lucky Lou's(the old fairview) Chad said, lady's do you know why we had a white christmas this year? Go ahead and thank me and jared, were the reason. You see my Granddad buys everyone in our family a tree, and since chad has a house he insisted on getting one. My mother even packed him some ornaments! My sister and I went to visit him one day, and found out Chad put his tree on his back porch with NO DECORATIONS...My wonderful sister blabbed this news to my mother...Chads responce to all of this. Well i left it out because i knew God was going to do the decorating.

You followers may not find this as funny as i do, but its a story i thought to share with you!

Well, i do have other things to talk about rather then FB! Thank you for that one God!

more reasons to leave.

I don't know why i bother to keep it, i could just go ahead and delete and it would be done, but i choose to torture my self.

I signed on for my second time today: at 1:45. And I told you all that i will only sign on twice today...COULD I HAVE AN EXTRA LIFE PLEASEEEEEEE! Now that I've told my self thats it for the day.. The only thing i can think about is facebook.....This is bad, but it makes me realize how badly i need to let it go!

I think I will ask my mom if I complete my rehab and don't go back to facebook, could she buy me a dog!
If i had a dog, that dog would keep my mind off of facebook! :)

The weird thing about this whole expierment is i actually am really excited to say goodbye!

Well I'm out of here, till i start to think about facebook!
New question is: what will i blog about once it is for real gone!

Day Five!

five days left, five sweet baby ray days:)

Today I'm allowing my self to get onto face book twice. First time was this morning, and depending on how my day goes is when ill find out what time to check next!

As a distraction I'm heading to the mall! That should kill a few hours of not thinking about facebook.

I did the unthinkable today, i turned off my FACEBOOK MOBLIE! (scary music plays) My hand was a little tremably as I switched the check mark to OFF. I guess when i woke up the other morning I didnt take in to consideration how hard this is really going to be.

Now I didnt actually shake, but I sure did re-think this whole situtation.

As of day five: i beat the odds, and still staying strong to my goal...DELETE BUTTON HERE WE GO!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Next Step

First Step to getting off facebook, is to start blogging about it. Lucky for you lovely people, you get to hear all about it. I'm a pretty funny person, oh it will come out! 

Blogging is not the easiest thing in the world, its difficult to think about what I'm going to write, and who is going to read it. Will I be a success, i sure hope so! 

Ah! Think about it twenty four seven, three hundred and sixty-five days! ( Well I know myself well enough to know that i cant possibly blog that much!) But then again, this is my Rehab, to saying goodbye to my drug( facebook) 

Can i Commet

I'll be seventeen in six days, and I'm addicted to facebook. The other day i was talking to my friend Lori, she decided to go a week with out facebook, at that moment i started to think a life with out facebook? could that really be? I thought about all the drama i would not have to be apart of. How much work I could actually be getting done. Then it hit me, My life would be stress free. I'M DELETING MY FACEBOOK!

The next day I told Lori, starting January First I'm saying good-bye to "my world". She told me I was crazy and i should just deactivate it first. I said I'm either gong all in or going all out!

Six days I have left with my addiction. You may ask why six days? well truth is i need time to part with facebook. It may seem dumb to people, but facebook is a drug. Its my home page on my laptop, I wake up I log in, I get it sent to my phone, and some nights i fall asleep with it on. As soon as i realized how much my life is surrounded by a social network, I knew i had to get away before it was to late and I end up never completing my real life dreams.

The real question is can I do this? Can i really say goodbye? Can life go on? What is their to do?
Then I get these voices( I am not crazy, I promise!) You can't do it. You need Facebook.
But the truth is I want to say goodbye. I want to do the unthinkable. oh and you better know ill do it!