Monday, December 27, 2010

God Decorated My Tree!

Well i can honestly say i logged on to facebook twice today! My evening was spent with the sister, my brother, his lovely new girl friend(hope he didnt scare you to much tonight) and his roommate!

I didnt need to stalk my facebook friends, to humor me tonight! My brother can say the funniest things. We were on our way home from Lucky Lou's(the old fairview) Chad said, lady's do you know why we had a white christmas this year? Go ahead and thank me and jared, were the reason. You see my Granddad buys everyone in our family a tree, and since chad has a house he insisted on getting one. My mother even packed him some ornaments! My sister and I went to visit him one day, and found out Chad put his tree on his back porch with NO DECORATIONS...My wonderful sister blabbed this news to my mother...Chads responce to all of this. Well i left it out because i knew God was going to do the decorating.

You followers may not find this as funny as i do, but its a story i thought to share with you!

Well, i do have other things to talk about rather then FB! Thank you for that one God!

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