Thursday, December 30, 2010

This is to you David Norman

I was riding home from work today, I hit McKee road and I said to myself wow I'm doing pretty good ha vent checked facebook all day...Pull into my drive way, and my eyes spot TRASH ALL OVER my yard. I was really ticked when I realized my parents wouldn't be home for two more hours..That meant I have to clean this all up. So I walk toward the porch where I see this trash, and I discover the trash can is still laying on the ground...I ran inside and called the NORMANS, Cheryl answered, I said, "Cheryl I'm to afraid to flip my trash back over...what if their is a raccoon inside, i couldn't take on a raccoon!" Lucky enough for me she sent DAVID to the rescue! He walked on over with his golf club( which may i add, those baby's are his life!) He then flipped my trashcan back and of course their was no animal!

He then asked me, "Cara do you have gloves?" I was like, "no ill just clean it up with my hands" Well if you have gloves ill help! ...Then I just went inside to find some gloves, I came back out and he was ahead of me, already cleaning! He looked at me and said, remember this: I wouldn't do this for anyone!  Of course I helped him!

David, thank you, if it wasn't for you I could have been eaten by a raccoon! :) Your my hero!


  1. I love David Norman and this story! Thanks for sharing.

  2. YES! Great story! I am glad David didn't have to beat a raccoon with a golf club.
