Sunday, December 26, 2010

Can i Commet

I'll be seventeen in six days, and I'm addicted to facebook. The other day i was talking to my friend Lori, she decided to go a week with out facebook, at that moment i started to think a life with out facebook? could that really be? I thought about all the drama i would not have to be apart of. How much work I could actually be getting done. Then it hit me, My life would be stress free. I'M DELETING MY FACEBOOK!

The next day I told Lori, starting January First I'm saying good-bye to "my world". She told me I was crazy and i should just deactivate it first. I said I'm either gong all in or going all out!

Six days I have left with my addiction. You may ask why six days? well truth is i need time to part with facebook. It may seem dumb to people, but facebook is a drug. Its my home page on my laptop, I wake up I log in, I get it sent to my phone, and some nights i fall asleep with it on. As soon as i realized how much my life is surrounded by a social network, I knew i had to get away before it was to late and I end up never completing my real life dreams.

The real question is can I do this? Can i really say goodbye? Can life go on? What is their to do?
Then I get these voices( I am not crazy, I promise!) You can't do it. You need Facebook.
But the truth is I want to say goodbye. I want to do the unthinkable. oh and you better know ill do it!


  1. You can do it CARA! This is amazing!

  2. YOU ARE BLOWING MY MIND WITH YOUR DEPTH AND WILL POWER! GO YOU. I think you could start a mass exodus.

    It is my drug too, Cara. I'm praying about how to handle it...
