Monday, December 27, 2010

Day Five!

five days left, five sweet baby ray days:)

Today I'm allowing my self to get onto face book twice. First time was this morning, and depending on how my day goes is when ill find out what time to check next!

As a distraction I'm heading to the mall! That should kill a few hours of not thinking about facebook.

I did the unthinkable today, i turned off my FACEBOOK MOBLIE! (scary music plays) My hand was a little tremably as I switched the check mark to OFF. I guess when i woke up the other morning I didnt take in to consideration how hard this is really going to be.

Now I didnt actually shake, but I sure did re-think this whole situtation.

As of day five: i beat the odds, and still staying strong to my goal...DELETE BUTTON HERE WE GO!

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