Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Crazy day!

Well i worked from 8 to 4, so that kept me away from facebook! As soon as i got off i went home changed and hung out with my oh so best friend Lindsey Boozer! Then we went to a surprise dinner, i really wish i could say i didn't check FB...But i turned on my computer exactly at 9:52pm, and went directly to FB, only due to habit. But i figured while i was their i would see what was going on....I'm not horrible, Just Human!

Anyway i entertained myself by destroying my dear friend Moriah's room for her b-day! highlight of my night was my ride home with K8E and L-swag, making Luis go 10 in a 45:)

Alright four more final days. Ill be pressing the delete button on January 1st at 11pm....Just so i can read my HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! selfish i know, but a girl just can't help it:)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I've totally been wondering when you would delete the account, because I know Jan. 1 is your bday and it would be bad to have to delete on your birthday and miss all of those bonus messages. I think waiting til 11 p.m. is perfectly acceptable. Good luck, Cara B!
