Saturday, January 29, 2011


It is exactly two days till my ONE MONTH SOBRIETY! (any ideas on what i should do?!)

Well I did go to face book, because i wanted to see if it is really gone. I put my INFORMATION in and BAMMMM...I no longer exist. Right after that, it hit me. I don't belong to the COOLEST thing in TEENS minds right now...Am I no longer considered POPULAR?! (those who hate me, would only hope!)

Nahh, I'm the coolest kid on this block! NOTHING could change that! I rarely think about it actually! I don't even care when people bring it up, sometimes I just pretend to know exactly what they are talking about!

The bible thing= FAIL!!!! I am so sorry to the women I told I would do this(eleventh grade is a lot more work then i had imagined!) BUT i do try and read it when i have free time. (unfortunately as a human i hate to admit this but : I PUT THE SNOOKI BOOK BEFORE THE BIBLE. i really needed to get that off my chest! (so so sorry God, but i honestly think me and him have come to an agreement!) :)

The reason my post have become so FEW, well i honestly didn't have anything interesting on my mind, until tonight! I figured why post something boring if I know one day I'll have better stories!

Love you all!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Three more test

AWH! 11th grade is almost halfway over with, and I'm extremely excited. :) I have three more final exams, two of the ill knock down in no time...Chemistry...i hate you! It is the only test i worry about no it is not a EOC but it is a test that i need to do well on so i can pass with a good grade.

Peter G, i can tell you how to save money..make ever day a 9:15 to 2:15 kinda day! I believe parents would start to like your choices! Just saying!

Well I have some pretty exciting news....Today is January 14...When i hit the delete button for my facebook, it said if you log on with in the next 14 days, your request will be denied and you will still have the joy of facebook. Well Mr. Facebookman, its been 14 days..and those days have been filled with JOY! soooo TAKE THAT! :)

17 days till im one month sober! :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow, we have a love hate relationship!

I always wondered why don't teenagers ever go in the snow?! I use to get so upset with my sister, when she wouldnt come outside and play with me...Well being 17 i woke up the other day, looked out my window saw it covered in snow, and i turned around and went right back to sleep!
I WAS TICKED THAT IT SNOWED. I had stayed up the night before studying my poem, for spainsh...I really just wanted to get it over with...well thanks to the snow ill be rehearsing it tomorrow..It took me forever to learn how to pernounce my i have to cram again to remember it without looking!

But then again, i really liked not going to school, so then i thought maybe i shall thank the snow, and play in it! Well it was icy, so i decided to go skating! Fell three times, and said BUMP THIS.....and played just dance two on the wii!

Guess this is the life of a teenager! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Im back!

Facebook, is no longer apart of my brain! The first day was hard(really hard) But this week i realised how much i actually have wanted to do since i said good bye! I went to the Y tonight (my excuse use to be facebook!) and i did more then i think I've ever done since i started there two years ago!

The only thing that is hard, is when I'm at the lunch table or with my friends, and they either bring it up or are on it! But of course i wont be trying this anytime soon, not until march, i may hangout with them and look with them! I can honestly say I WILL NEVER HAVE A FACE BOOK AGAIN!

Now i just need to start reading my bible( i gotta find time to do that!!!!) I decided with two member of my family group at church i would read the bible in a year, its not like starting from beginning until end. It skips around a lot, and I'm really excited..i just should start before I'm behind!

Anyways Ive slacked on you followers to much this week, my apologies thank the 11th grade for that one! But never ferooo because I'm your facebook recovery herooo! :) Ill try my best to blog once a day!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Busy Bee!

To all of you whom read my blog, sorry i havent been doing it everyday. This week of school is going to be crazy, so i may not be on till thursday or friday! I'm so so sorry! You all can thank English 3 and Chemistry for no entertainment in your life from me!

Well its 6:41am, havent been on facebook and now im headed to SCHOOL...(yipee)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just Trying To make it!

Well its been a full day of life without face book and might i just add I'm still alive! Bored more then ever but still alive. What should i do?! Well I'm sitting here in my empty room starring at the bare walls....i walk in to my temporary room and spot poster paper! Time to get creative..ahh magazines, ding ding ding, Collage:)
My day really wasn't that boring, not until i got home and realize that my room no longer contains a TV because I'm redecorating the whole thing...GURR REAT!

The most tempting thing to do right now is quickly sign on to my face book...You see its not officially deleted till fourteen days after you request it..SUCKS! So i need to find a new interesting home page...Any ideas? I'm up for anything...

Ahh sober road, isn't so easy!
If anyone is up to creating FA(face book anonymous..) I'm down to be a counselor, of course after I'm completely healed from this addiction!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lost my Bestfriend:(

Eleven o clock, Saturday night January 1st, 2011: i said goodbye to face book permanently.
Go ahead search Cara Becknell, it will be forever gone:(
I can honestly say I WANT IT BACK. NOW.

I hope I can live with this regret....forever.

Facebook R.I.P, you will always be dear to me in my heart!
We had to part ways, I'm truly sorry....
Well its gone....half my heart was taken away...BY MYSELF

Happy Birthday to meee:)

Well lucky for me, its really easy to stay up all night on my b-day! I got 163 happy birthdays on facebook....thirty on my!

Okay so my birthday is clearly in winter but it seems like the theme of the day is FALL. I went to dinner tonight with my family and Lindsey boozer. We were taking our seats at the hibachi grill table. I pulled my chair out, but it seems Lindsey decided to help pull my chair out. As i was sitting down Lindsey was saying oh Cara you shouldn't sit there, but sit in the middle. That went through one ear and out the other, as i was aiming for my target; the chair....Moving Targets are harder to hit. Next thing i realized my butt hit the floor, my luck were sitting by three random people...EMBARRASSING! Oh but it doesn't stop there......
I was heading back out to take Lindsey to her house, i walk on our porch and BAM i fall to my knees, and Lindsey just dies laughing....Well so far that's all the falling!
Ill be blogging in three hours to tell you how the Grand Deletion went!