Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy Birthday to meee:)

Well lucky for me, its really easy to stay up all night on my b-day! I got 163 happy birthdays on facebook....thirty on my!

Okay so my birthday is clearly in winter but it seems like the theme of the day is FALL. I went to dinner tonight with my family and Lindsey boozer. We were taking our seats at the hibachi grill table. I pulled my chair out, but it seems Lindsey decided to help pull my chair out. As i was sitting down Lindsey was saying oh Cara you shouldn't sit there, but sit in the middle. That went through one ear and out the other, as i was aiming for my target; the chair....Moving Targets are harder to hit. Next thing i realized my butt hit the floor, my luck were sitting by three random people...EMBARRASSING! Oh but it doesn't stop there......
I was heading back out to take Lindsey to her house, i walk on our porch and BAM i fall to my knees, and Lindsey just dies laughing....Well so far that's all the falling!
Ill be blogging in three hours to tell you how the Grand Deletion went!

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