Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just Trying To make it!

Well its been a full day of life without face book and might i just add I'm still alive! Bored more then ever but still alive. What should i do?! Well I'm sitting here in my empty room starring at the bare walls....i walk in to my temporary room and spot poster paper! Time to get creative..ahh magazines, ding ding ding, Collage:)
My day really wasn't that boring, not until i got home and realize that my room no longer contains a TV because I'm redecorating the whole thing...GURR REAT!

The most tempting thing to do right now is quickly sign on to my face book...You see its not officially deleted till fourteen days after you request it..SUCKS! So i need to find a new interesting home page...Any ideas? I'm up for anything...

Ahh sober road, isn't so easy!
If anyone is up to creating FA(face book anonymous..) I'm down to be a counselor, of course after I'm completely healed from this addiction!!


  1. Suggestion for your home page: my blog. Suggestion for your free time: the bible reading plan. Have you done the first two days?

  2. Ah Jill i have tried sending Abby an email.i totaly forgot to print the plan out before i deleted it..i need it before i get really behind!

  3. Here's the link:
    By the end of the day we are supposed to be done with Genesis 1-11, and tomorrow we move to Job.

  4. Read my blog if you're bored! Or, I guess you could read the Bible. Eh... ;)
